Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fun with fake weapons

I finally got myself up on a Saturday for the 8am Sayoc class. It was fun.

After class I went home and Mo was already sleeping. So I messed around on the computer and started watching a movie. About half-way through the movie, there was a knock at the door. It drove Pooka completely crazy (of course).

I went to the door and a delivery man gave me a package. Inside that package was my Tomahawk (Kayan Headaxe).
shown here for scale

I was thrilled. Mo was sleeping so I had no one to show my new toy too. I was also slightly irked that the thing showed up on the same day, but several hours after, a Sayoc class.

So I took photos. :)
Thanks for awesome tomahawk

hey good lookin, whatcha got cookin?

Chubby monkey is one bad mother...shut your mouth.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

1st Father's Day

Maybe I've never mentioned this, but I train in martial arts. I got a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do in my late teens- early twenties. Now I train in kick boxing, Krav Maga, Sayoc Kali, and sometimes grappling.

By far my favorite of those is Sayoc Kali. Sayoc Kali is weapons, mostly knives. Early in my training I learned they also did some tomahawk work. I wanted a piece of that and harassed my instructor about it...repeatedly.

Recently, one of my instructors mentors came to OKC and did a 2 hour tomahawk seminar. (It was awesome).

My enthusiasm for the tomahawk has infected several members of my Sayoc class. So, you can only imagine my excitement when mo told me what she got me for Father's Day.

So, in case you wonder, let me be as clear as I can.

Mo Is The Best Wife.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

two in one day?

I'm all about spoiling you guys.

Admittedly, the little booger was sleeping through most of this one. Still, he/she sucks his/her thumb a bit and waves a little. So, you know, cute.

I know it's been awhile...

...and the 13 week ultrasound is coming, but in the mean time,


you're welcome.