Monday, April 9, 2012

Resolution check up

At the beginning of the year I set a few "resolutions". I wanna review how those are coming along.

1. Read 3 books.

I finished A Princess of Mars  last year and started Gods of Mars. I finished Warlord of Mars a few weeks ago. I started reading Pirates of Venus on my phone the other day, but I hate reading on my phone. I can't find a printed copy anywhere and I won't be buying a tablet till next month. I may look for something else until then.

2. Post stuff about Jojo on a weekly basis.

I'm late all the time, but I've been fairly consistent. It's nice looking back at stuff.

3. Attain a blue belt.

This might be out of reach this year. I only go about 2 times per week and that's not nearly often enough to get a blue belt by the end of the year. At this point, a green belt is an attainable goal, blue likely is not.

4. Lose 30 pounds.

I got a REALLY late start on this. The first few months with Jojo took a ton of energy and adjustment. I went to the gym less and ate poorly. Up till 3 weeks ago I hadn't lost a single pound and hovered at 215. I'm happy to say I've been watching my diet, working out more (even doing sit-ups at home), and I'm down 5 pounds in 3 weeks. We will call that a good start. There are 39 weeks left in this year. If I keep the same pace I've done the last 3 weeks (about 1.5 pounds per week), I can still make this goal, maybe even exceed it.

5. Learn Sign Language.

This was my "pie in the sky" goal and so far, it's been just that. I've made no progress and taken no action toward this goal.

6. Reduce Possessions.

It started out as a vague goal, it remains a vague goal. I have numerous intents, no plan to achieve them. I have concerns about what to get rid of and how to do it. This is not a difficult goal in the strictest sense, but without an idea of what to do about it, I'm never going to get there.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Son-day

Before Jojo was born I learned something important about my wife. She likes baby hats. A Lot. Seriously.

Somehow we ended up with two bunny hats. She tried both of them on today. Can you believe that neither fit well? This kids head is huge...actually most parts of this kid are huge. He is so fat.

I poop jelly beans
I tell people he has three chins, but the second one ate the third one.

Happy Easter Everybody!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Medieval Son-Day

This weekend we went to the Medieval Fair in Norman. It was lots of fun as it is every year. We actually bought some stuff this time. I got a turkey leg, Mo got a corn-dog, Beka got mint lemonade or something. All was good.

The Med Faire is always an awesome place for people watching and I never take enough photos. We did see this group though.
people were stopping them for photos every 3 feet.
When we got home, I decided to go crazy on the ugly-as-hell hedges next to our doorway. I swear a billion bugs live in there and decide to vacation in our apartment.
I started with this, and Pooka's keen oversight
I ended with this, and Pooka's disapproving absence
We are thinking of filling the space with a rock garden or potted plants or something. Suggestions?

Oh, Mo got something for Jojo.
You let her do this to me, you bastard.