Monday, May 7, 2012

Son-day at the Zoo

Mo only worked 2 hours last night. She was put on call, then then called in to do a couple MRI scans or something. Then came home. It was pretty cool because it meant she got some sleep and we got to have some family time. Since the weather was pretty good, we went to the OKC Zoo.

Those who know me, know I love the zoo. OKC has a great zoo. Recently, they built a new elephant exhibit and one of the elephants had a baby. We've seen the new exhibit, but have yet to get a good look at the new elephant. Until today.

That right there is a 100+ pounds of "aaaahhhh"
As per usual, Jojo slept through most of the trip. He did wake up and got hungry right on schedule. Important fact: there is only one bathroom in the zoo with hot water. Also, no matter what signs you see, there is no bottle warmer in the nursing center.

After the zoo, we went to BJ's for lunch. I was craving a good root beer and they have one. During lunch, Jojo was good and talked almost the entire meal. It was cute.

That right there is a 100+ pounds of "aaaahhhh"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shot-y Son-day

Wow, I miss a couple weeks. Sorry about that.

Today Jojo went to the doctor. He is doing well. Getting bigger (fatter) and longer. The ladies at the doctors office really seem to like him and get all excited when he comes. They pick him up and pass him around and everyone has a good time. Our doctor is really great and we like working with her. So, it's a good relationship.

But, today, we got shots. 4 shots.
"Excuse me, what?"
Of course, he cried and we had to keep him still, which meant holding him down a little. But, the nurse said it wasn't so bad. He didn't turn purple or anything, just cried.

We got a weight on him too. Little fatty is 15 pounds, 12 ounces. He will probably start some solid food soon.
No, just rice cereal. Twinkies are for daddy. mmmmm Twinkies.

Jojo loves to sit up and look around. He is a curious little guy. So, after the doctor, we went to target to get him a bumbo chair.
"Holy Crap! This is Awesome!"
He seemed to love it almost instantly and I fear will be in this thing until he can sit up on his own. Which I swear will be like next month or something.