Monday, January 30, 2012

Belated Son-day

Yesterday was kinda busy and I missed posting for Son-day. I'm not really sure where the day went, it just kinda busy and I didn't get it done.

Some friends came over and had dinner with us (thanks for that). They gave us some little gifts they found at a Japanese store. Mo's was one of those little dolls inside a doll things.

one of these things.
My gift was a "transformer". It sucks to be a kid in Japan apparently. The toy came in pieces that you had to break out of the plastic.

kinda like this.
Then, using instructions in Japanese I got to put this 2 inch toy together. Seriously Japan? why do you hate your children?


We also took Jojo to church @ Wilshire so some people could see him. That was fun. He was good during church and seemed to like the attention. This is what he wore to church.

Sexy and I know it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh Son-day Son-day

Let me tell ya. It's been a week folks. I have worked a ton and I got to work today. I was not looking forward to it at all. I am kinda fried on being at the clinic.

But, my super-awesome-amazing wife decided to make the day tolerable by bringing Jojo and lunch down to the clinic. It completely made my day.

Here's a video she took a few days ago. It's adorable.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Son-day

I've been using the Son-day posts to post some photos from his first couple weeks of life. This is one of those.

My father is really into genealogy. One of the things he knows is that Josiah is the first-born son of a first-born son of a first-born son...and so on for a few generations. I think there is a first-son-born (two older sisters) in there somewhere. I'm not just super-clear on it. I should be, my dad's explained it like 9 times.

"back in 1736...something something something"

So my dad really wanted a 4 generation photo. So he got my grandfather to meet us for some photos. Here is one of the better ones.

"who are these ugly...ah crap"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Son-day

We did this ultrasound package at a place called A Glimpse Before and After. The place was great and the experience was totally awesome. I've posted some of the videos we got.

One of the things attached to the package we did was a portrait session with this lady in Harrah. If we had known then what we know now, we would have just taken a pass on that part. We were really displeased with Tamara Tigner's prices, options, and business model. The entire time I felt we were being taken advantage of and I think we were. There are vastly more convenient and reasonable photography options in the OKC area. On a scale of 1-10 she gets a 1 because the photos themselves were good.

but I could be biased

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Son-day

Yes. I am totally calling it this.
Yes, it is complete silly.
But you know what?

My mom will love it.


That is such a heavy loaded word. In the context New Years Day it means:

1. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
2. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
That's right, I used a dictionary. Jealous?
 I prefer the word Goals, but meh, semantics. 
Last year, these were my goals and the degree of success I achieved.
1. Read 12 books - I started like 4, finished 1.5. The others I decided I hated.
2. Have a baby - Done and done. 
3. Finish Mass Effect 1 & 2 - I did neither. Getting it to run on my computer was just more than I could deal with. I have got to get a copy of XP service pack 2 and get 7 off my computer.
4. Learn a little about photography - I dabbled, but never got too deep into it. I learned it can be expensive. 
5. Make an Airbender movie - following my hatred of that abomination Shyamalan heaved upon us, I took up the notion of editing the entire first season down to 2-3 hours. I got through a couple episodes. I still think it is a cool idea. 
6. Pregnancy flip book - This is actually in the works and now that Mo is done being pregnant, I plan to finish it. I also need to finish the "expansion" video. 
7. Reduce possessions - I took a ton of stuff to good will this year. I bought a few things are there are more things I want to get rid of. So I made some progress. 
So I made some small gains, no single goal was an outright failure (well, 3, and to a lesser degree 4). 
So this year I have some goals. 
1. Read 3 books. 
When I made the 12 books goal I hadn't read for fun in years. Grad school demanded the majority of my reading time to get through horrid, dry, psych text books. Having learned it takes me about 3 to 4 months to get through a reasonably long book, I think 3 books is an attainable goal. 
2. Post a picture or video and something about Josiah every week. 
I have a friend who posts a picture and short message about his son on Facebook every day. I freaking admire whatever it takes to pull that off. It's impressive. Totally not something I am going to do. Imitate? sure as hell.
3. Attain a blue belt. 
Typically it takes about 40 classes to get a belt. I usually average 2-3 classes a week (some weeks I go 5 or 6 times, some weeks I miss entirely). That means it takes about 20 weeks to get a belt. There are some weeks the school is closed. So, I should get about 2 belts this year. 
4. Lose 30 pounds. 
How cliche is this? But it's true and closely tied to #3. I need to eat better, and now that I don't live with the machine of eating (pregnant Mo is amazing) it is more likely I can. I'm not going to go all hard core. A few small changes I started working on in Nov. and have kept up with (ignoring the last 2 weeks) started to help. I think I can keep that up.
5.  Learn sign language. 
This is my "yeah right" goal. I am horrid at languages. I have an auditory processing disorder. I hear things but unless they are very clearly spoken, the part of my brain that translates sounds into meaningful words can't do it. For example, the words "Bees" and "Beads" will only be distinct if they are said clearly and free of distracting noise. People who mumble drive me nuts. Also, learning languages is hard. But, as a student pointed out to me, sign language plays to my visual processing strength and completely bypasses my auditory weakness. More over, many children can learn a sign language before the important parts of their ability to speak fully develop. So, plenty of motivation. Maybe I will take a class somewhere. I get some credits @ UCO from my job. 
6. Reduce possessions. 
I started this goal late last year. I'd like to keep it going. I need to let some things go and there are somethings I just don't need. More on this one later, for now it remains a vague goal.