Monday, February 28, 2011

IVF nightmare

IVF is a bit of nightmare in an of itself, but last night I had an actual IVF nightmare.

Thankfully, like all the best nightmares, it's a bit fuzzy already. The main gist of the nightmare was that Mo got sick for a few days. Sick enough to go to the hospital for a day or two. But, during that time she could not take any of the IVF injections or anything. So, when she got better we had to start all over again.

It was not pleasant.

I had another 'nightmare' too.

I worked at a zoo, in the 'giant amoeba pen'. The critters in there were like something out of a HP Lovecraft novel...only not evil or malicious. In fact "Betty", the 300 pound mass of blue/purple tubes and white/pink goo, was actually kinda sweet. At one point I thought she was going to eat me with a 6 foot blue tube-mouth of dull rubbery teeth, but then the senior amoeba keeper informed me that the big blue tube-mouth was actually more analogous to her eyes. Then he made a joke about her big blue eyes.

I don't remember the joke because I was getting out the way of "Sam", who looked like a scrub sponge the size of a VW bug and zipped around the pen like a two-year old on Redbull.

I woke up after that. It was weird. We went to Red Lobster last night for Mo's birthday...I blame the crab legs for last nights 'entertainment'.

This, only huge and hyperactive.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Another hurdle

We are done with the antibiotics. My body can now recover and return to semi-normal for a little bit.

Mo gets a small break and will start new meds soon. Last time she had few to no side-effects know...
Tonight we dine in HELL!!
The only thing other than taking meds is the suppression check March 9th. That's when we learn if her ovaries have obediently stopped doing stuff.

Mo brought me ice cream today at work. That's cool for a few reasons. For one thing, she worked last night so meant she had to lay down and then get back up later and then go back to bed afterward. Nice. She brought ice cream because it was 1:30 and she was sure I had already eaten lunch. She was wrong. So, yeah, ice cream lunch. Awesome. Totally.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Because I missed it twice...

Here is a double (frozen) scoop of twinkieday. 
One scoop for each twinkieday I missed.
Happy Twinkieday everybody!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun with Doxycycline

See that there.

That's the antibiotic I get to take for the next 10 days. 100mg twice a day.

Now, that may not seem a big deal. But let me tell you something about the reality.

See this antibiotic can cause some sensitivity to the sun and all sorts of fun with your digestion. Now Mo is having zero problems...of course. See Mo is kinda like this.
This is Sparta!!!

So yeah. She's awesome. Me, ugh. First day I missed lunch so I was all antibiotic hung over. I seriously felt drunk. I was dizzy, light sensitive, sound sensitive, a headache for miles. Today...digestion is a horrid thing. A horrid, horrid thing. Nuff said. 

Now is antibiotic overload too much to ask for Mo to get pregnant? Hell no. I'd happily do this for 9 months if I got a baby at the end. No problem, sign me up. Is it even a fraction of the hell Mo gets to go through. No. May I remind you of this?

We get to do this a again! Woohoo!

The point I am making here...if I am making that too much doxycycline messes with me and I don't like it. I also have a public forum to piss and moan about it. Most importantly, by putting it here, people read it and suffered just a little with me. That makes me happy, thank you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

One other thing...

We start IVF round 2 tomorrow.

Catching up

I missed last weeks Twinkie day. sorry.

It was an adventure.

See, mo is a nurse (as you may recall) and as such, awesome. But, being a nurse has a big ass drawback. People do not stop being sick because it's snowing. So she needs to get to work, if at all possible, no matter what. So we stayed at the crown plaza near the hospital. Nice place, old, but well renovated.

Getting there was no issue. Getting her to work Tuesday night...wah. let me tell you.

I was able to borrow a shovel and dig out the 4 foot snow drift from behind the car. I was able to drive it over to the hotel parking lot entrance. I got it stuck. I dug it out. I got it stuck again. I dug it out.

The road itself was clear. The plows had made it totally drivable. But the plows also made a 6-8 foot snow pile right at the entrance to the hotel parking lot. I saw some tracks through the pile, so I figured it was only say, 4 feet and I could use the tracks.

what I learned the next day was that those tracks were made by a chevy cavalier that was mostly airborne when it made them. There was another 4 feet of snow under them. So I totally got stuck, very stuck, again.

Did I mention the head of the shovel rusted off? it did.

So here I am using the head of a shovel while mo is using a garden shovel trying to get a car 3 damn feet to a clearly paved road so we can drive 1/2 mile to the hospital. We shoulda walked.

Then a ranger tries to get through the snow pile. He gets stuck right next to us. Then asks to borrow the shovel. I'm thinking "This guy is an idiot". Because I'm not done digging myself out, but sure, take the shovel, I'll wait. (actually I tell him I'll give it to him when I'm done - duh). He gets back in his car. nice.

So then this white H2 drives up. He starts to back up and two 17 year old boys get out and start digging us out. I tell him mo needs to get to the hospital. He takes her. He comes back, I tell him my problem is solved, so he pulls the ranger out of the snow.

The plow truck pulls up as he is disconnecting the ranger. Me and the 17 year old boys had made only marginal dents in the snow pile in front of my car. The plow truck stops and clears all the snow in front of my car.

Seriously, all of it. From an inch from my hood to the road, and 1 foot on either side. Think of the volume of snow I'm talking about here. He did it in 30 seconds.

Ironically, since I sure as hell don't need to get to the hospital anymore. The guy driving the H2 (his name is Mark) drives through the 6-8 foot snow pile (easily) and then pulls me back into the parking lot.

Here's the punchline:

Hospital security runs a van to the local hospitals during bad weather. All I needed to do was call them, get mo to the side of the road, go back inside. Awesome.