Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun with Doxycycline

See that there.

That's the antibiotic I get to take for the next 10 days. 100mg twice a day.

Now, that may not seem a big deal. But let me tell you something about the reality.

See this antibiotic can cause some sensitivity to the sun and all sorts of fun with your digestion. Now Mo is having zero problems...of course. See Mo is kinda like this.
This is Sparta!!!

So yeah. She's awesome. Me, ugh. First day I missed lunch so I was all antibiotic hung over. I seriously felt drunk. I was dizzy, light sensitive, sound sensitive, a headache for miles. Today...digestion is a horrid thing. A horrid, horrid thing. Nuff said. 

Now is antibiotic overload too much to ask for Mo to get pregnant? Hell no. I'd happily do this for 9 months if I got a baby at the end. No problem, sign me up. Is it even a fraction of the hell Mo gets to go through. No. May I remind you of this?

We get to do this a again! Woohoo!

The point I am making here...if I am making that too much doxycycline messes with me and I don't like it. I also have a public forum to piss and moan about it. Most importantly, by putting it here, people read it and suffered just a little with me. That makes me happy, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. :\ You know, you've always been pretty sensitive to various meds (at least from what I remember of our shared history and often shared diseases). That sucks. Sensitivity to the light when the burning death ball is already too bright sucks.

    Good luck on Round 2: Wherein your soon-to-be embryos stop being rebellious and FALL IN LINE, dammit!
