Saturday, December 28, 2013

A series of things.

We had our first christmas in the house. Karen and Tamara came down and stayed a few days. T is still here for a few more events. Then life will start moving back to normal. 

Dad continues to improve. Seems his meds were a bit off but seem to be under control more. He's also getting better about not over-extending himself and keeping the strain on his heart to a minimum. For a guy like him, that's prolly the hardest part of the whole mess. 

I raked the was horrid. I am so looking forward to getting those trees out of the backyard. I'm really glad we got rid of the one hanging over the house. I'm not sure it would have stayed up through the ice storm we had last week. It was a half inch of ice on...everything really. 

No photos right now, but the kitchen is coming along. Mo chose a light switch plate that required me to change the wiring on *all* the switches in the kitchen. Not my favorite part of the ordeal, but it's done and they look good. The stone backsplash is coming along too. We're nearly done!

In Jo news, he is now a crazy 2-year-old. He started getting speech therapy a few months back. Not sure if I mentioned that. Curiously, his speech path is one my old professor's wife. That's neat and his speech is getting better. More words and phrases all the time. Still hard to understand and likes to grunt or make noises rather than talk, but he's getting there. 

We also changed daycare. We LOVED the daycare at Integris, but we needed to disconnect Mo's job from our childcare. So we put him back into the daycare he was in when he was a tiny baby. He's doing well there and seems to fit in well. 

Finally, I am about to start the last class of my MBA. I'm nervous as hell, but ready to get this wagon rolling and graduate. I'll be with 2 of my long-term project group mates, I couldn't hope for better. I'm not convinced there is better. Not sure what is going to happen once I have the degree. This semester will be full of changes I think. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My happy student

I have this one student who I like very much, but sometimes I really don't like her. I know that doesn't make sense right now, give me a few more sentences.

See, she's a really upbeat and positive person. You know the kind. The kind that somehow, magically, naively, almost childishly sees the good in just about everyone and everything. It's like somehow the sheer irritating mess of the universe just passes over her without touching her in the slightest.

Now, I know her well enough that I know she gets down. She even complains sometimes. She gets sad. She get angry. She carries mountains of stress and anxiety more often than not. So, you might think her normal personality is some kind of 'fake out' or a facade. Basically, a lie she tells the world to keep from going insane.

Maybe it is, but I don't think so. I think somewhere along the line she decided to be happy and then (and here is the important part) learned how to be happy. (I used italics, so you know it's important).

Lots of inspirational messages will want you to 'decide to be happy' and that's all well and good. Not horridly helpful though. I'd love to decide to be good at drywall installation. Until I actually learn how to do it, that little decision is pointless.

So, I like her because her personality is upbeat and pleasant.
I really don't like her sometimes because she's so good at something I don't know how to do.

How did she learn to be happy? I have no idea, but I'm gonna figure that out. Then I'm gonna learn to do it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Recovery and Countertops

Last time, I mentioned my dad was in the hospital. At the time we really did not have a very clear idea of everything that was going on. Basically, two things tried to kill him at the same time. Oddly enough, because it was two things, neither succeeded.

Basically, he had a bacterial blood infection. We're not 100% sure how, but he did. It got serious and an ambulance was called. We think he may have had a heart attack on the way to the hospital. The heart attack he had has a nick-name. It's called the Widowmaker. It earns that name. Here's the irony: If he had not had the blood infection, it's likely the heart attack was going to happen with no warning and just kill him outright. BUT, because the blood infection tried to kill him first, the heart attack was treatable. BUT, the heart attack had to be treated first before they even found the blood infection. So, because two different, intensely dangerous, conditions both tried to get through the 'kill you' door at the same time, they got stuck and failed comically.
Like a Boss. 
It was a really intense few days. He stayed 10 days in the hospital and then a couple weeks at home recovering with a PICC line and a drain line. The drain line hurt and we were all happy to see it go. Since it came out, his recovery has been intense. He still gets tired pretty easy and has to watch his exertion, but he's back to work and getting caught up.

I could EASILY fill a blog about how great Dove Academy (where he works) has been. They had flowers in his room before he even got there. The principal came and visited. They've been nothing but awesome through the whole thing. I'll leave it at that.

So, today, I was able to get him to help me redo the sink. Now we also redid the countertops. Well, Mo did. I just primed them. So, here are more before and afters.
After, lights on
After, lights off
Here's a close up of the counter tops. This Giani Granite stuff looks surprisingly good. Mo did a great job.
See that new switch? I did that. It was hard, but it works. 
You might notice, the faucet looks different and the sink is now stainless steel. That is what Dad I did together today. It took most of the day and we are both tired now.
But, it looks really, really good. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vacation renovation

The week before last I took a vacation from work. This is the first time I've taken a vacation in three years. That was a mistake.

I'm just going to put this right here. 
It was nice being away from the clinic for a bit. Spent time with the family, worked on a couple house projects.

Jo is doing well. He's seeing a speech path, he's babbling a lot and it's getting to be consistent, but it horridly unclear. Not really words. It's getting better slowly. He started daycare and that is going well too. While I was off work we took him to the OK Aquarium

armed with blanket and glowing eyes, he fears no shark. 
It was fun, but the trip was long and hard on him.

My glasses broke just before the vacation. I had to get a cheap pair to cover while my real glasses were put together. They are the cheapest pair that eye mart would sell me.
hello ladies. 
Mo convinced me to get prescription sunglasses. They came in just before I drove down to TX for Jack's "I'm not in the Marines anymore party". Fun times. However, he was disappointed that my mom did not come visit too.
Jack sad. 
But it was good to see the Hendrix and I could not be more proud of him and excited about his new job.

The rest of the vacation was spent dealing with finishing stage 1 of the kitchen make over. The painting and such was easy, just time consuming and an exercise in patience. The new hinges were a nightmare but eventually they got sorted out.
here's some before and after shots.
So that's stage 1.

About 20 minutes after the photos were taken, I ripped that horrid laminate backsplash off. The next stage will be to add some under cabinet lighting. Then paint the counter top, then do a new backsplash.

But right now, we're dealing with my dad who is in the hospital.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Settling in

Today, I spent the majority of the day at the house with Jo and Pooka. I unpacked almost all the boxes, certainly all the ones that can be unpacked. I took off the cabinet doors to prepare them for a simple restoration and to update the hardware. I'll post some before-and-after stuff when it is done. I also cooked my first meal there. Nothing fancy, just chicken tenders.

It was a good and productive day. I am pleased. I then came home and worked on some more moving stuff. Some of that did not go as planned and will cost me a little money. I'm annoyed but not terribly shocked. I've grown up moving and moved many, many times. Each move, either something breaks, you lose something, or both. Usually both. I've lost many things and many things have broken.
Just once, this needs to be true.
So, I was annoyed, but ultimately I have one very solid comfort. This house is the physical embodiment of my hope that I will never have to move again. I'll still lose things and things will break. But, it won't be because of a move.

I know that someday, something may happen that will strongly influence or force me to move. The house could be destroyed by a tornado. A person in my immediate family could win the lottery. The house is old, a billion things can go wrong and require that I live somewhere else. But, they are all fairly unlikely. That gives me hope.

I hope I never have to move again. I want to live in that house, raise my children, and offer safe haven to my family. All that gushy stuff you see people post about 'live, laugh, love' and stuff like that. I want that. 
damn you pinterest, damn you.
For me, it's odd. I've rented most of my life. Sometimes we lived in the house the church had for the preacher, but that is kinda like renting in a weird sort of way. I've never really understood why people get so bent out of shape about how 'bad' apartments and renting are. I think it's fine. Some are better than others, but it's not bad, there are some really nice parts too. When we were looking for a house, and closing, and packing, I had no really deep motivation to get out of the apartment. I was comfortable. But, the more time I am in the house, the more I want out of the apartment - the feeling is more intense than I expected. I can't explain it right now, it's odd.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The House

Well, the appraisal and inspection went through without adding new complications. That pretty much means we will be closing on the house by the end of the month. We want to me moved in by June. I figured I would post about it and share some photos.

It's in NW OKC more or less at the corner of Counsel and 112nd in the Willow Creek Estates neighborhood.
it needs a paint job.
The yard is Rye Grass. They probably did that to increases curb appeal because it's green no matter what, but you have to reseed every year. There used to be a big tree in the front yard (I saw some old photos) but I bet one of the ice storms brought it down. Structurally, the house is rock solid. No foundation problems, no interior issues. It has good bones.

I'd like to give the front walk and steps a bit more curb appeal. Not sure how though. The little tree and the hedge are just out of control huge and we don't like them. Maybe a patio or fresh walkway.

We'd like to extend the roof line down the driveway so my folks will have some covered parking. Have to see if the HOA will let that happen.

this is the floorplan
The house is cavernous big. Well over 3k sq. ft. The back section is an attached apartment the original owners (we are the second owners) built for a grandmother. That's pretty much our use for it too.
Front Living Room
This is the front living room. The photo is taken from a raised entryway. We want to re-tile the entryway and redo the entryway closets. Those book cases are not built it, they just look like it. They will get moved, likely into the spare bedroom or the dining room (which you can see through the opening in the back of this picture.

I'm thinking a large sliding barn-door to seperate the dining room (which will likely be my office/man-cave). Alternatively, a door hidden as a fake bookshelf. A window seat for that window is something I want to do for Mo. Otherwise, this room will be the main living room with the TV and such.
In this photo, of the den, you can see the entryway tile in the bottom left corner. It's gotta go, as do the ugly railings. The 1970's lighting in the left corner of the den is as good as gone. We may or may not redo the brick of the fireplace, but the shelves need to be redone with a new stain. The wooden pillars will likely be removed. I'd also like to open up the wall into the kitchen. The door to the right goes into the living room of the apartment.
Here you can see the apartment living room and the doors. I'd like those door replaced. One option is hidden door made to look like a wall or bookcases. Maybe a sliding barn door. Not sure, but something that serves are a better boundary to the apartment. My folks need their privacy and so do we. I'd like to take out that wall in the back. It creates a pointless hallway and I don't like hallways.
The kitchen is decent sized, but the cabinets and counter-tops need some love.  The appliances are very nice, we just need a microwave and a refrigerator. Mo really wanted a flat-top stove and this kitchen has that. Someday, we want to completely redo the kitchen, but for now we are going to stain the cabinets. There is a doorway on the left that goes into the laundry and to the garage. There is also a half-bath there. I like the big window on the right, but it goes into the apartment. The french-doors on the window are cheap and don't close and I'm not sure what the future fate of that space will be.

You can see a door through the window. That is the external entryway into the apartment. It's important that remains. We may have to wall up the window to offer my folks a place to hang coats and have an real entryway. It's not a huge deal, but something to think about.
This is looking from the kitchen toward the den. The door on the right goes into the formal dining room. That wall will almost certainly be walled up to create more counter space (and because there is no reason to have a door into my office from the kitchen). The little table and bookshelf there is going away soon too. There's just no need for it and just about anything would make more sense.
This is the dining room. I was aversive to getting rid of the built-in hutch, but neither Mo nor I like it. I'm not sure anyone does. Plus, we don't have good dishes and don't care if we ever do. Then, Mo and my mom thought this would be a good 'man cave' space for me. I though that was cool, we never formally dine or have any interest in ever doing so. So, The hutch will be taken out and a wall put there. I'm thinking a door to the left of the hutch so I can access the half bath. Then, redo the wall so the laundry space is better. The door to the kitchen will be walled up because it will serve to offer more counter space. I'm also thinking I may cut the room in half (or so), to make a space for a pantry. Not sure. Lots of options, but it's a big room and I don't need that much space.
Here is the master bedroom. It's nice. The curtains will be changed (and hung correctly). Repainting is almost certain. That door is smaller than a standard door. Moreover, I think it used to just be open to the bathroom. We may change it, I'm not sure.
This is the master bathroom. Behind the picture is the shower and toilet. Through the door is a closet. There is also a closet in the lots of closet space, but no tub. It's weird.
This will likely be Jojo's bedroom.
Hopefully, a future nursery when Mo and I try for another baby. For now...spare bedroom, storage, play room? Basically, whatever Mo wants to do with it.
This is the fourth bedroom of the main house. That window opens into the living room of the apartment, not to the exterior of the house. We are going to turn it into a doorway and let this room be an office space/spare room for the apartment. My folks need a little more space and a room for computers and such. This will do that. I'm thinking the doorway from the main house to this room will become a sort of 'secret door' made to look like a picture wall or bookcase. Still accessible, but not obvious or noticeable.
Here, you see my parents entry into the living room of the apartment. Not much in the way of a real entryway. You can see the kitchen through that window. Really not sure how to deal with that space. It's weird.
Although, the apartment living room is probably the best room in the house. It has a great view of the backyard and has a very open feel to it. When we redo the flooring (pergo throughout) it will get rid of the mismatched carpet. around the corner to the right is the rest of the apartment.
The kitchen/dining area is a little small and funky. Not sure what can be done here, but my dad is pretty clever. That closet has the water heater so it can't really be used as a closet. That's kinda my issue with the apartment, not entry space to put coats and such. It's goofy. I know there is a solution, just haven't figured it out yet. Ultimately, it's not my problem. It's my folks space and they can damn well do whatever they want with it.
This is the apartment bedroom. It's bigger than the picture makes it look, but it's not huge. The doors on the right go to a closet and the bathroom. They are thinking about making the back wall (to the right of the window wall) into a patio door that opens onto the side lawn. That way they have their own private small yard. I think it's a great idea. I don't have any real say in the interior of the apartment, that's their business. If it changes the exterior, Mo and I have a say, but we are totally on board for the patio door and side lawn. I think it will look good and give my folks an added sense of privacy. An exterior space they can do whatever they want with. It's a good idea is my point.
The back yard of this house is just nuts. It's well kept and pretty. Dad and I want to rebuild that shed into a usable workshop. Those two stone areas are neat, but I'm not sure what function they will serve. The large flat one will make a good space to work on things until the shop is built. The other...I have no idea. It may be removed to offer more running space for Jo. The deck is nice too, but the wood is old and badly sealed. A few of the trees are in bad shape and need to be taken down.
That ivy has to go. Maybe a fence or something around the electrical pole (decorative but will keep Jo away from it). That tree is tilting badly and need to be taken down. I LOVE the stone walkway. I also want to enclose the AC unit in something a bit more decorative.
That swing is massive, and old, and showing it's age. We may cover the deck and almost certainly get a new swing that takes up a little less acreage.  We want to fence up the rest of the yard too. Part of what you see is the neighbors yard and in the back is the green belt. We still want to access the greenbelt though, so a fence with gate is likely. The wood of the deck needs to be replaced. Maybe with something a bit more durable. I'd also like to extend the roof a bit to make sure my folks have covered access to their door. Because it's Oklahoma.

Well, that's the free tour of the future Casa-Medders. It's big and we have about a billion projects. There is literally not one room that doesn't need some kind of work. But, we have time and we are patient. It takes time to make a house a home.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am a stupid person

Some people think I am a smart person. This flies right in the face of all available evidence. Let me show you the facts.

1. I am working on a second masters degree.
2. While my wife is working a masters degree.
3. While raising a 15 month old.
4. While working full-time
5. While my wife is working full-time.
6. While looking for a house.
7. With my parents.

Any one of those things is enough to stress a fella out and make him a little crazy. I'm doing all of them at the same time. Furthermore, I use italics a lot so you know it's really crazy.

The only rational conclusion is that I am a profoundly, unquestioningly, certifiably, stupid person. 

Thanks Fred, happy belated birthday btw.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stressin-it Son-day

Woah. Just, for like 20 minutes, woah. Take a breath okay.

Ever since I changed a few things down at the clinic, it's been really busy at work. I created a lot more time to get things done and suddenly, I'm getting so much more done. I basically bounced from one meeting to the next all week. We also got new carpet, that was cool.

Thankfully, this coming week is spring break and I can breath a little. Mo, Jo, and I are going to New York to visit the in-laws and aunts. They've never seen Jo and Mo hasn't seen them in like 5 years. It will be cool for everyone to see each other again.

Traveling on a plane with a baby...yeah, that might be a thing.

um...why does this picture even exist?
I'll let you know how the trip goes next time. Good I hope. Going out east is always kinda weird. Every trip has been a real adventure. Sometimes a good and relaxing one...sometimes just expensive and best forgotten. It's the roads I'm dreading. The weather is cold out there still.

In other news, Jo learned a new trick.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Nasty Son-day

I have really enjoyed this human resources class. An 8-week course is a little intense and this was definitely intense, but it's been a good class. I learned so much. I'd really like to just blog about it all and really impress people, but that's not really what this blog is about.
stay on target...
 In addition to school being very busy, work has been interesting too. I changed how I do the editing process and it's MUCH faster now. An edit that used to take me 2 weeks to get through now takes like 2 hours. It frees me up to do my own evaluations and network with people on campus. We are even getting some help in our processes to try to lean the clinic up. It's intimidating because I know what I am doing is FAR from perfect and I'm sure I've made some procedural mistakes. I've also been horridly ignorant. I just hope my UCO colleagues are patient and forgiving. Facing these things can be a blow to my self-efficacy. So far, they've been amazing. But, that isn't really what this blog is about.

...stay on target...
Jo has been growing like a weed. He babbles non-stop and seems to figure something new out every couple of minutes. It's fun to watch.

This week Mo got sick and then Jo got sick. I got to clean up a lot of baby vomit. Then Pooka vomited and I got to clean up dog vomit. That's on top of the aforementioned school and work intensity. It's been super fun guys.

On the upside, Jo is much more cuddly when he is feeling bad. He's not much of a cuddler. He likes to run around and get into stuff. So, when he does cuddle, Mo and I try to get as much as we can. It's been nice but I think he's over the worst of if and going back to being crazy again.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Reading Son-day

Jojo likes to 'read' books. Mainly he turns the pages and babbles yells at the pages. It's pretty funny to watch.
Today we read one of several books we got in a collection of board books. I will now share with you the text in full.

"I can be Quiet
I can be quiet when Daddy asks me
I can be quiet when it's bedtime
I can be quiet when I'm out and about
I can be quiet when everyone else is quiet
I can be quiet when mommy is talking
I can be quiet when I'm eating"

Mo and I just laughed and laughed and laughed.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Orange belt Son-day

Not much going on. Tomorrow starts the new semester and a new class, but other than that, not much to talk about. I really struggled to come up with something to post.

Jojo is a walking fool and has been since Christmas Eve. He walks vastly more than he crawls and gets into EVERYTHING. It's pretty nuts sometimes. No fear and boundless curiosity. He actually reached into my martial arts bag (which was on a chair) and dug out my belt.

Little known fact, Superman had an orange belt.
No idea how he got it out, but he can pretty much reach anything. I keep my trash can on top of a stack of boxes. The boxes of Christmas stuff actually. I need to take those out to the storage closet...but then where will I keep my trash can?