Monday, July 21, 2014

Science Son-day

Today Jo had his dental check up. He did okay. Some crying of course, but come on. How often do you go to the dentist and not want to cry a little? What's weird is he loves to play with the toothbrush the dentist gives him. Just carries it around with him. We don't use it for brushing, we have another one for that.

After the dentist I was going to take him to the playground at the zoo...but it was HOT and a little busy. So, I figured I would give the science museum a try. He may be too young, but...we'll see how it goes.

It went well. 
He was pretty skittish at first. Little confused, little overwhelmed. He would have happily spent the entire day going up and down the stairs. Guys, seriously, the science museum has so many stairs. I felt bad about skipping my workout today until I was on my 5th time up the stairs.

He finally got interested in things that were not stairs.

Then, he found more stairs...

All in all, it was a successful trip. The science museum is a little pricey, but for when the weather is unbearable, it's a good way to get Jo out of the house. The annual pass may or may not be worth it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Staying Home Son-day

Most of my closest friends already know this, but many others do not. At the end of May I lost my job. Technically, the position simply ceased to exist. I'm not going to dig into the details or my financial stability (both are fine). That's just not something I want to discuss or a real concern.

A more interesting, and vastly more relevant, discussion answers the question "So what the hell are you gonna do now?" 

I don't really know. I've applied to some school jobs (school psych and various levels of administration) with no real success. Either I am not really considered or the offer is a bad fit. Job hunting is exactly zero fun. Mo suggested she make some career/job changes so that I could be a stay-at-home-dad. Right now, that is the most likely scenario.

This last month and a half has been, by a WIDE margin, the best six weeks of the past...six years or so. Jo still goes to daycare most days, but I spend way more time with him. I've gotten stuff done around the house I never expected to get done. I've freed up Mo's time and (hopefully) given her more time to rest and get homework done. I'm happy, relaxed, and feel better about basically everything. I'm losing weight like crazy (with absolutely no effort whatsoever). 

In short, I wish I had quit two years ago. 
It's a weird transition though. I have my daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal to-do lists. I have list of activities to do with Jo when we pull him from daycare. I have contact information for several mother's day out programs. (I've even made jokes about how completely sexist that term is). 

I think it will work out fine, and I'll keep job hunting for the right job. I'm even working on filing for unemployment benefits. I am not at all convinced it will be a long term thing. But, if it turns out to be...

I can think of worse ways to spend time.