Sunday, August 31, 2014

What a Son-day!

One of the most interesting things about being the SAHD is how much more time I get to spend with Mo. This is unexpected because part of the way this works is she works and extra 12 hour shift each week. (I spent a year doing 50+ hour weeks, it's tough and she's amazing). We kinda assumed that this would mean we either wouldn't see each other as much, or potentially even less.

But here's the thing. We only have to worry about her schedule. Jo and I are available more or less whenever she is. This means whenever she does have free time, we are good to go. We don't have to juggle my schedule or daycare or anything.

The only thing getting in the way is her homework. She is in her last year of this masters degree and it's no joke hard work and takes up some time. When she is done, we will be golden. For now, we do what we can.

But, the other day she woke up with Jo and got him fed so I could grab a couple minutes of sleep and shave in peace. When I was ready I told her I was ready to take Jo so she could get going on homework. Then this happened.

"I got that done when Jo was eating breakfast"


"It's done for today, I got it done."

"go shower, we're going to the zoo. High five."

Then we went to the zoo.

And everything was awesome forever. 

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